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Board of Directors
Robert Halepeska
Bill Kickendahl
Larry Clark
Rachel F. Klotzman
Courtland Frankson
Lane Johnson
Fredd Hobbs
Joe Cohen
Ismael Varela
Kathy Connally
Rev. Michael Koehler
Yvonne Rossman

Risë Konarik

Application for Placement


"I have been truly blessed by The Brownson Home for many years. They have supported me financially, and emotionally through school and out of school. With their support I have become a person that I never thought that I could become. The amount of appreciation that I have for the parents and administration at The Brownson Home is endless."


Jennifer, graduate
TA&M University, Corpus Christi
and 4th grade teacher


"The Brownson Home gave me everything when I had nothing. They got me through high school and I would not be in college without them."

Symonne, age 20,
Victoria College Student